Interested in joining us?

Sheila Singh Brain Tumour Lab

Cancer Research Centre

McMaster University

MDCL 5029

1280 Main Street West

Hamilton, ON


905-521-2100 ext. 75237

We are offering an exciting three-year postdoctoral fellowship opportunity in Glioblastoma Research Program to identify and validate potential new targets for immunotherapy.

Prospective postdoctoral fellows and students (graduate and undergraduate) should contact Dr. Singh and Dr. Venugopal ( directly. Please include a CV, a statement of research interests, the contact information for three references and undergraduate transcripts (only student applicants). Graduate students interested in joining the lab should refer to McMaster’s Graduate Program in Biochemistry for admissions criteria.

Dr. Sheila Singh  |  Pediatric Neurosurgeon, McMaster Children’s Hospital  |  Principal Investigator, McMaster Cancer Research Centre

Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery, Room 5029  |  McMaster University  |  1280 Main Street West  |  Hamilton, Ontario L8S4K1

Dr. Sheila Singh  |  Pediatric Neurosurgeon, McMaster Children’s Hospital  |  Principal Investigator, McMaster Cancer Research Centre  |  Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery, Room 5029  |  McMaster University  |  1280 Main Street West  |  Hamilton, Ontario L8S4K1

ext. 75237

Dr. Sheila Singh  |  Pediatric Neurosurgeon, McMaster Children’s Hospital  |  Principal Investigator, McMaster Cancer Research Centre  |  MDCL, rm 5029  |  McMaster University  |  1280 Main Street West  |  Hamilton, Ontario L8S4K1